My Order

How can I cancel my order?

If you want to cancel your order please contact our customer care team at as soon as possible. Please note, that due to fast turnaround times we can not guarantee cancellations.

What if I receive the wrong product?

Please contact our customer care team at and we will make sure you get the right product as soon as possible.

Do you offer exchanges for faulty items?

Yes, we do. Please note: Faulty items need to be proper documented. In case of damaged packaging notify the courier service and take a picture before opening the package.

Shipping & Returns

How much will shipping cost?

$25 flat rate per product applies on all orders within the United States.

What are your delivery times?

Shipping usually takes 5 - 7 business days based on your location once your package leaves our warehouse.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes, we ship all over the world. International shipping prices vary by territory. Please contact us via mail for international orders.

International orders do not include duties or taxes. Fees will be due upon receipt.

Do you accept returns?

Yes, we have a 15-day return policy from the date your order is delivered. Please Note: To be eligible for a return your product must be in the same condition that you received it (unused). Check our Return & Refund Policy for more information.

How do I return my product?

If you want to return your product you have to start a return request. Contact our customer care team at Once your return is accepted, we will send you further instructions. Please Note: Packages sent back to us without prior request and approval will not be accepted.


Is petonboard sustainable?

Yes, absolutely! We do not only care about pets, but also the world they live in. This is why we plant a tree with every completed order.

If talking to a real-life human is more your thing, you can reach our Customer Happiness Team via e-mail.
